Yoink priest
Yoink priest

yoink priest

Forgot to move out of Valiona’s breath? Grip them to safety.As such, it draws attention to itself– now if Grip is part of the raid strategy, no big deal– but if it isn’t part of the strategy and you are using it to save someone from their own mistake, are there implications from doing that? Are you, in a way, saying “You screwed up and I am saving you from your own mistake!”? In a sense, yes– but in reality you aren’t you are merely preventing damage from occurring, which is ultimately your biggest job. When it is used, your raid will see a golden/white line across the screen and a player with wings flying through the air- not very surreptitious. More importantly, Leap of Faith is not the most subtle of spells. This will enable them to react appropriately and understand what happened. I feel it is prudent to either use a macro, announcing AddOn, or a Ventrilo call to alert the target that they have been Gripped. It can leave the target with a “WTFOMGWHATJUSTHAPPENEDAMILAGGINGOUT?!” reaction- which can either hurt DPS or disorient them during an important phase of a fight. Using Leap of Faith on someone is a jarring experience. it is those other uses that can be very difficult and awkward. Since everyone understands that Leap of Faith is part of the strategy, it is known that they will be used. My guild, on Heroic Atramedes, has planned and specific positions and rotations for using Leap of Faith during the air/kite phase. These examples are often planned and expected uses of Leap of Faith. Burning Cinders targets after their explosion in Heroic Nefarian’s Phase 2.There are some great and very strategic uses for Leap of Faith: The original idea of this post was through a casual conversation between myself and Dawn of WoWInsider and LearnToRaid. *cackle* Today, I’d like to get into a bit more of the social theory behind Leap of Faith and what happens (beyond just moving the player) when the spell is cast. Read: Engineers using Rocket Boosts and a Parachute Cloak to make it from the BWD Elevator all the way to Atramedes’ room… YOINK get back here! For purposes of this discussion, let’s put those uses aside… for now. I know we all get an alarming amount of amusement out of using Leap of Faith in those “for fun” situations.

Yoink priest